Saturday, February 6, 2010

What have I been up to?

Two weeks have flown by in a whirlwind of urgent deadlines, client meetings, late nights at the office, and even a little weekend office time (yuck). The massive adrenaline rush needed to sustain my frantic running to and fro at the office for 10-12 hours nonstop each day, has left me slumped on the couch in a stupor in front of the reality tv show du jour most evenings. So blogging has slipped by the wayside. One bright spot in the hurricane of client calamity that has consumed my life of late was J's birthday last weekend. We went out with some friends on Saturday night to Chuy's for margaritas, queso, enchiladas, and the like, followed by skeeball, dancing, and drinks at Highball, one of Austin's new hip night spots. It's kind of like the Garage in Seattle with the same retro bowling (plus skeeball!), but a little clubbier with a dance floor and a DJ most weekend nights. We happened to be there on "Sci Fi Disco Dance Party" night, so the bar was half full of people in storm trooper and space alien costumes, which lent an additional festive flair to the birthday celebrations.

Last Sunday was J's actual birthday, and we spent most of the day in our PJs eating a big breakfast of waffles and bacon and watching Friday Night Lights episodes. We're already on Season 3, and even though I've already seen them all, I'm sad we're almost done. The fourth season is supposed to come back on TV sometime soon, but I haven't heard or seen anything lately. I'm going to be in serious withdrawals if it doesn't show up soon!

Later that afternoon, we cleaned up, got in the car, and then I took him on a scenic drive through the hills in the western most part of Austin. Lots of beautiful vistas and massive, massive houses. We ended the drive up near Lake Travis and had a delicious steak dinner at the Steiner Ranch Steakhouse. Yum.

This week has been another blur because I've gotten up early every morning to get to the office, have gotten back late most nights, and then in my remaining 2-3 hours of spare time between working, commuting, and sleeping, I have tried to squeeze in a couple workouts, a very small amount of housework, and, um, eating. That's about it.

However, Saturday is here once again and I don't have to go into the office. I am traveling to both Columbus, Ohio, and Dallas next week, so I expect that it will be hellacious. But for the time being, I'm enjoying sitting on my couch, drinking my coffee, and perusing the blog world. My good friend Anne is also coming up from San Antonio this afternoon with her two pooches, and we have a taxing schedule of going to the dog park and getting manicures and pedicures planned. I can't wait! Hopefully Monday morning will come very, verrrrry slowly.


  1. we were at highball on sci-fi dance party night too!!

    if you have a free evening this week coming up, or next, lets grab a glass of wine?

  2. hey girl thanks for the sweet comments! the girl who designed my blog has a link at the bottom of my page: Marina @ Penny Lane Designs. If you can't find the link let me know and i"ll send ya her website. she is absolutely amazing!
