Friday, January 21, 2011

Zumba... It ain't for wimps, yo

I don't know why I felt the need to add "yo" on to the end of that title. Maybe because Zumba is a little hip hop-ish? I don't know. All I know is that recently, in an effort to mix up my exercise routine a little bit, I attended a Zumba class and... wow. According to the official website, Zumba is "an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness-party(TM) that's moving millions of people towards joy and health." Sounds good, right? And my gym offers it, so I thought, why not?

First of all, I need to explain that my sole athletic ability lies in getting from point A to point B quickly. I've mastered... OK, "mastered" might be a strong word... but I'm at least proficient in getting from point A to point B quickly in water and by foot. Last year, leading up to my triathlon, I even got pretty good at getting from point A to point B quickly on a bike. But hand-eye coordination? Fuggedaboutit. I can't throw, catch, or kick a ball to save my life.

So, back to Zumba... I got out of work earlier than expected and didn't want sit around waiting for my regularly scheduled spin class. Truth be told, I also wasn't really feeling a high intensity workout, so I thought something whose official motto is "ditch the workout, join the party!" would fit the bill nicely.

Um, no.

Turns out Zumba is actually a very fast paced hip hop/pop music dance class. Our instructor was clearly fresh off the UT cheerleading squad or dance team (read: a really good dancer), and the music was all paced as briskly as an uptempo Lady Gaga ditty (some of it was, in fact, Lady Gaga.) I don't think I can adequately illustrate what me in this class looked like (although the horror of watching myself in the mirror is a sight that will stay with me for a long time), but let's just say that I have NO dance background, can barely keep the beat when I'm in an audience and everyone starts clapping in sync (this is very sad, but 100% true), and was probably about 10 before I was totally confident in my ability to identify my left side from my right. In a word: pathetic. I don't know how the instructor didn't start laughing. I would have (and did, several times, despite my complete and utter shame.)

Also, that easy workout I was looking for? Not so much. I was out of breath and sweating pretty heavily the whole time, and woke up sore (in my abs!) the next day. So I have to hand it to all you dancer ladies out there. A.) It's totally not a wimpy workout... it's hard work! and B.) it takes some real skill. Props to those of you who can do it! Will I be back? Eh, probably not. Grocery shopping in my underwear would be less embarrassing. But I give a tiny little thumbs up to myself for trying something out of my comfort zone and mixing up my gym routine. For now, however, spin class and circuit training will do just fine.

Have any of you tried any new fitness classes lately? Any new activities you love... or, like me, failed miserably at? I'm always looking for new ideas... even if they don't work out!


  1. Haha, I am completely mortified when I take those kinds of classes. They are a good workout. Especially in my abs--since I spend so much time laughing at myself!

    Yoga is one that I have failed at and won't go back. I have tried several times. But all I think about are my fat rolls folding over each other and how people are silently laughing at my pitiful attempts at flexibility. Plus, I laugh when I am nervous and apparently that is frowned upon while others are meditating...

  2. Girl, I'm afraid we're opposites on this one! I love a good dance-based class because that is what I'm good at, but running is close to the top of my "Things I Hate" list. And spinning is just plain painful to me, cushy seat cover or not! I do love pilates and yoga though. Basically, I like the work outs that don't feel like work outs.

  3. That is awesome! I am completely with you. Once I did a Step class, and I was falling all over the place with the "Around the Worlds." I never thought of how it must look to the instructor... ha!
