Wednesday, May 25, 2011

He Did It!

Well it's been a whirlwind two weeks filled with guests, lots of nice meals out, some sight-seeing, and several celebrations-- the biggest of which was Jason's MBA graduation last Friday. Prior to the convocation, we had a little cocktail reception for our families who were in town.

Jason opened some well-deserved cards and gifts...

(Major wife points here... this is a signed and numbered print from one of his favorite street artists, selected by moi, that I am volunteering to have hung in our house somewhere. ; )

...and then afterwards, we loaded up the cars and headed up to the UT campus one last time. After a long ceremony (over two hours!), Jason was awarded his Masters in Business Administration.

It's a little blurry, but if you squint your eyes, that's J receiving his diploma.

We had planned our big graduation dinner for the next night, but still thought we would hit the town after his graduation ceremony (which was scheduled--rather awkwardly-- from 6-8pm and then of course ran late), but Mother Nature had other plans. When we walked into the auditorium at 5:30, it was gorgeous and sunny. When we left around 8:45, we exited the building into one of the biggest downpours I've experienced since we've lived in Texas. And since the auditorium was in the middle of the University of Texas campus, and our car was parked in a lot a good 5-7 minutes away, we had no choice to make a run for it. And, needless to say, we got absolutely soaked. It was so bad that it became hilarious-- and all of the 1,000+ guests at the graduation were in the exact same boat. Everyone running through the rain as fast as they could in their nice clothes. We ended up being happy we had no dinner plans. Instead we went home (my mom and I may have made a stop at the Whataburger drive through), got into our PJs, and played card games. A fitting end to a fun, crazy two years.

Congrats, J!


  1. That's awesome!! What an achievement!! (and congrats to you too -- surely he couldn't have done it without your support ;)

  2. Congratulations to him!! (and you, of course!)
