Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Week 16

Post-cupcake gender reveal on August 13th (in front of Jo's Coffee on South Congress)... details to come!

August 12, 2011

Best Moment: We had our doctor's appointment on Friday and, sure enough, the ultrasound tech was able to identify Jelly Bean as a he or a she. We asked her to put the results in a sealed envelope so that we could stage our own mini-gender reveal party. I'll give you the results tomorrow, but, we were very happy to learn that Bean appears to be healthy and developing right on track. I also bought my first maternity clothes on Friday after the appointment (including the dress above.) I got maternity jeans that are actually cute and look pretty high quality for $13.98 (!!) at Target. Yes, you read that right. I couldn't believe it either, but no complaints here. Especially for something I may wear for 5 months (or less... considering it's currently 104 out and I have no desire to wear long pants any time soon.)

Symptoms: Over the past few weeks, I've had periodic sharp (and sometimes shooting) pains up and down my abdomen. They have felt almost like bad, but very brief, cramps. I wasn't sure if I should be worried, but learned at my doctor's appointment that they're called round ligament pains and are totally normal. Good to know. I've also been waking up once or twice a week with "charley horses" (does anyone else call them this?) or really bad calf cramps. Apparently this is also totally normal.

Cravings/Aversions: I still really like sweets and fruit, and occasionally some red meat. Nothing too out of the ordinary though. The only thing that doesn't sound good, much to Jason's disappointment, is BBQ. He has been hounding me for a trip to the Salt Lick for weeks and I just can't do it.

What I Miss: Not too much. I'm feeling pretty good. I'm definitely in that second semester sweet spot.

What I Can't Wait For: Now that we know if we're having a him or her, it's time to start thinking about nursery decor! It's a little overwhelming, but it should be lots of fun, too.=

Milestones: Bean is the size of a large avocado (about 4.5 inches) and is about to embark on a growth spurt-- meaning I should be experiencing a growth spurt as well. Good thing I got those maternity clothes!


  1. Oh I remember those round ligament pains! I had a few that made me gasp so loud that Jonathan freaked out thinking I was going into premature labor! Can't wait to hear if you're having a boy or girl!

  2. Ugh, round ligament pains! No fun at all! Let me know when you decide on nursery decor! :)
