Sunday, September 9, 2012

He's on the move!

Nicholas officially started crawling about a week ago. At first it was just a few small little inches forward while we dangled a toy as bait. But, over the past 3-4 days, he's really taken off. He's not exactly up on his knees, but he can cross a room fast. We joke he's like the [really cute] serial killer at the end of a bad thriller, who you think is dead, but who somehow manages to drag himself across the room too quickly in an attempt to finish off the protagonist with the knife/gun/machete that was dropped during an earlier struggle. Nicholas, of course, is usually only after our shoe or that [important] piece of paper we dropped, but still... he's creepy fast. Here's a little video of him on Friday. Disregard his crying at the end. I guess the Clifford book just didn't live up to his expectations. (Joking aside, we're proud of our little guy. Watching him crawl is pretty cute.)