Friday, August 9, 2013

Five on Friday

Hello there! After a few weeks away, I'm linking up with Darci, Natasha, April, and Christina once again for Five on Friday. Here's what's going on.

1.) Airplane Crud. Ugh, I hate to say it, but both Nicholas and I contracted some little bug on our vacation (probably from the flight on the way out), and the flight on the way back did us both in. This week we've both been battling colds (though for once he seems -- knock on wood -- that he may shake his without a trip to the doctor and some antibiotics.) Me on the other hand? Not so good. I finally cried uncle yesterday and stayed home from work-- which of course makes me feel guilty because I just got back after being out of the office for over a week. But hopefully I'll perk up over the weekend. Needless to say, I haven't gotten around to my vacation recaps, but hopefully soon!

2.) Bubblepalooza. We're going to brave the heat tomorrow morning and meet up with some friends to check out this fun kids event, which includes live music, chalk art, water games, and of course bubbles. Afterward, we'll grab brunch-- maybe here or here (both are Austin institutions.)

3.) Fall Boots. OK, despite complaining earlier in the week about the heat (yep, it's still 106 here) and lack of any type of fall weather on the horizon, it will eventually cool down. At some point. And when it does, I'll be able to enjoy these new boots. I ordered them as an early birthday gift (thanks Mom!) during the Nordstrom sale and look forward to pairing them with everything from skinny jeans to leggings and tunics to dresses.

4.) Three Weeks 'til College Football. Those are five words I never thought would come out of my mouth. Jason has been counting down all summer... Every few weeks, I've heard "92 days!" "67 days!" "34 days!" And now it's just about here, and I'm actually excited. Before I moved to Texas I don't think I'd ever watched a football game on TV in its entirety. I grew up going to Oregon Ducks games in person periodically throughout my childhood, but aside from that, I never really sat down and watched a full game.  That changed when we moved here and got Longhorns season tickets while Jason was in grad school. It's not hard to get sucked into football frenzy when you're tailgating at a UT game or standing among 100,000 people in DKR Memorial Stadium. That being said, the Ducks are still my #1 team, and I'm excited to see what they do this season.

5.) Stiles and Switch BBQ. Jason picked up brisket, ribs, coleslaw, and and potato salad from this (relatively) new BBQ joint for dinner tonight. Here's to Friday night, a cold beer, and no cooking!

Happy weekend, friends!

1 comment:

  1. I already have a post written up for next week with "Fall Must Haves" and boots are most definitely on it! I hate flying. I always end up sick.
