Monday, July 14, 2014

Baby #2: Weeks 39 - 40

39 weeks

Dates: July 1 - July 14, 2014

Highlights: Due date! Here we are. I was really hoping for a 7/14/14 birthday, and I suppose there's still time, but it's looking like it may be another few days. Recent highlights include celebrating the 4th of July with friends down in San Antonio. With a toddler and a 9 month old in tow, we didn't make it out late enough to see any fireworks, but we enjoyed a nice summer meal and catching up with friends. The next morning, we checked out the Pearl Brewery farmer's market and made a pit stop at the ever delicious Bakery Lorraine before driving home. (And, no, technically I wasn't supposed to travel at almost 39 weeks, but my doctor said he thought it was probably going to be OK given that San Antonio is only about an hour and a half away.) Since then, we've been hunkered down at home, nesting like crazy. Her room is done, but we've been tackling a bunch of other little projects around the house, in between trips to the pool and naps-- lots of naps. Yesterday, my mom arrived in town, and now we're all just playing the waiting game.

Last holiday as a family of 3 - Happy 4th of July!

Symptoms: Overall, I actually feel really good for being so pregnant. I don't have any major aches and pains, and I'm sleeping decently in between my frequent bathroom breaks. I am extremely tired, but I think that's to be expected. I'm also really hot all of the time, and the hot, humid weather outside doesn't help much. I pretty much avoid going outside after about noon each day. But, again, that's not too bad at this stage of the game. Despite the heat, I've lucked out and managed to avoid any swelling. I didn't have any swelling with Nicholas either, but he was born in January, so I thought I might wind up a little more swollen this time around. But here I am still sporting my wedding bands and my shoes fit fine. Not bad for a pregnancy that wraps up in July. I'm feeling an increasing amount of contractions and crampiness-- multiple times daily-- and at my 39 week appointment my OB was surprised to find that I've dilated to 3-4 cm. Here's hoping that means her arrival is imminent.

Ready to meet you! 

What's Different: I'm still pregnant. I was induced with Nicholas and he was born at 39 weeks and 4 days, so reaching my due date (and beyond) is new territory. My total weight gain is also slightly different this time around. I gained a pound around week 38, but then lost it by week 39, so I haven't gained any weight since week 34, for a grand total of 30 pounds. With Nicholas, I gained steadily up until the end, for a total of 33 pounds (although I started a little bit lower with him.) This time I feel like my belly is a little bit smaller, but there is more weight distributed elsewhere.

39 weeks 4 days - most pregnant up to this point. (Here I am with Nicholas at 36 weeks.)

What's the Same: I'm feeling a little bit of anxiety about whether or not she's doing OK in there. Like with Nicholas, it seems like she's moving around a little bit less these days, and even though I know she's pretty much out of room, I can't help but get concerned from time to time. Being so close to the end, I just want to make sure everything continues to go smoothly. I'm sure it will, but I just need to stay positive.

40 weeks

What I Miss: Nothing that I can't hold out a few more days for... I've got a bottle of nice rose wine chilling in the fridge and I'm looking forward to cracking it open in celebration in just a few days.

And one final pic... maybe the last?

What I'm Looking Forward To: I'm looking forward to meeting the little lady, hopefully sooner rather than later. Ideally, I'd like to go into labor on my own, but if she doesn't make her appearance soon, then I am OK with a little medical nudge at the end of the week. Tick tock...

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Baby #2: Weeks 37 - 38

38 weeks

Dates: June 17 - June 30, 2014

Highlights: We've been busy nesting and getting ready for baby girl's arrival. We finished up the nursery at the end of week 37, which was a great feeling. I'm just waiting on the mobile, which should arrive right around her due date. Pictures to come soon! I've also been enjoying lots of one on one time with Nicholas (pool, park, playdates, etc.), and we've made a point to go out to eat several times as a family, appreciating how easy it is right now with Nicholas to leave the house sans massive diaper bag-- that will change soon!-- and the fact that he now has the attention span to sit through a meal out without too much fussiness.

Symptoms: At the beginning of week 37, we had a little bit of excitement with several bouts of false labor, each lasting several hours. I didn't truly think I was in labor, but the symptoms (strong, general crampiness and some intestinal issues) were suspicious enough that I felt a call to the doctor was warranted. He wanted me to come in to get checked out, but confirmed it was just "uterine irritability" and prescribed lots of fluids to keep me hydrated. Since then, I've continued to experience periodic contractions, bouts of cramps, and other pre-labor symptoms, but nothing that develops into a regular pattern. However, I am starting to make some progress. At my 38 week appointment, I was 50% effaced and 1.5 cm dilated.

What's Different: With Nicholas, I didn't experience much in the way of false labor or pre-labor. I've had a lot more Braxton Hicks contractions throughout this pregnancy, and now a lot more pre-labor activity. At this point, I'm not sure whether I'll know when I'm actually in labor. I'm just trying to assure myself that if I'm questioning it, then I'm not actually in labor. Since I don't need to be induced this time around for medical reasons, the end of this pregnancy feels quite a bit different than the first time around. I still have a couple weeks to go, but am starting to get a glimpse into what the waiting game feels like.

What's the Same: Lots of fatigue, reduced appetite, some intestinal issues. Fun stuff!

What I Miss: My energy! I know sleep is going to get a lot worse before it gets better, but I also know that despite being a walking zombie, I'll have a lot more physical stamina than I do now.

What I'm Looking Forward To: I'm looking forward to wrapping up the final stretch! Her birthday is getting closer and closer... I can't wait to meet her!