Best Moment: Christmas fell at the beginning of week 36, which we celebrated in Portland with my family. On the 27th, we headed back to Austin and then spent the remainder of the week between Christmas and New Year's lazing around the house because both of our offices were closed. We had some unseasonably warm weather (even for Austin-- hence the sleeveless tunic) and took advantage of it with a few walks around Town Lake and a date night on Garrido's back patio, followed by a viewing of The Descendants at the Violet Crown. Jason has always wanted to take a photo in front of this famous Austin sign, so we took a few shots there (although they are kind of far away and don't show off the bump too well.) But you get the picture-- it's big and getting bigger everyday.
Symptoms: Increasing Braxton Hicks contractions and a few real contractions as well. Sleep continues to be poor, but since I was off work, I managed to catch an afternoon nap almost every day. At this point, I actually think I sleep better during naps than I do at night.
Cravings/Aversions: I should probably just delete this category all together since I don't really have cravings anymore and it's been months since I've had a real food aversion. But for consistency's sake, I'll report that while I am still sporting a pretty serious sweet tooth, I just don't have as much of an appetite as I did earlier in the pregnancy. My meals are actually smaller at this point than they were pre-pregnancy. There's just no room in there for food!
What I Miss: Same old, same old... sleep, energy, moving around without pain. Not too much longer now...
What I Can't Wait For: We made some big progress on the nursery this week, so I'm looking forward to adding the final touches and then sharing some photos. It's simple, but looking pretty cute!
Milestones: Baby boy is tipping the scales at approximately 6 lbs. 3 oz. (confirmed by my latest ultrasound). He's packing on the pounds at the rate of an ounce a day and will continue to do so for the remainder of the pregnancy.
I've been thinking about you and jellybean lately! Thinking good thoughts for you guys for the end of pregnancy and beginning of motherhood! :)