Friday, December 4, 2009

Ducks Fly South...

... to Pasadena for the Rose Bowl! Oregon's mighty fighting Ducks defeated Oregon State last night to nab the Pac 10 title, and now we're heading south for a match up with Ohio State on New Year's Day. Any male who has ever known me would be shocked to see it, but turns out I really am a football fan. Last night as I was yelling at the TV during the first half when Oregon State had the lead (briefly), my husband was just staring at me in sheer amazement and fascination. I even called a couple plays in advance of them actually happening which really impressed him. I guess living in Texas will do that to you...

Next up: UT vs. Nebraska tomorrow night for the Big 12 Championship. Hopefully the 'Horns will be heading out to Pasadena as well.


  1. UT vs. Oregon, what would you do?? I have the feeling you'd be rooting for Oregon and trash-talking your new UT friends...

  2. Haha, so true. But it would never happen, and if it did, Jason assures me the Ducks would be destroyed.

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog! I can't quite tell if our dresses were the same - but yours is beautiful too!!
