Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Two Months: A Letter

Dear Nicholas,

You turned two months old last Friday, the 23rd, and it seems like you have grown by leaps and bounds. You had your two month doctor appointment on the 26th and you are officially weighing in at 11 pounds 7 ounces (50th percentile). You are 23 inches long (also 50th percentile) and your big noggin is 41 1/2 cm around (75th percentile). You've finally put on some weight--apparently you were in just the 10th percentile for weight when we brought you in for your 2 day appointment-- and you are starting to show off some adorable little rolls on your thighs and some chubby little cheeks. You are also finally able to fit into a bunch of your 0-3 month clothing and it has been so much to dress you up!

This month also brought lots of visitors and lots of first experiences. You met your Grandmama and Dzia Dzia when they came to visit for a week. You loved getting to know them, and we appreciated all their help around the house. They also babysat you for the first time, and we had our first date night alone. Don't worry-- we hurried home to see you after about two and a half hours.

You also saw your Aunt Kristin again when she was in town for SXSW. We took you up to her super cool hotel room at the W and you got to test out her big bed. I think you liked it.

We also took you to the Austin Kite Festival, walks around the neighborhood and Town Lake, and meals out at a bunch of restaurants. You are so great when we take you out for meals-- particularly if it's a noisy place. The sound puts you right to sleep. I know it will become tougher to get out with you when you're older and more active, but we're enjoying this phase.

Most notably, you really started showing off your little personality this month. You started smiling pretty regularly around 5 weeks and we can't get enough of it. You have adorable dimples and a huge open mouth grin. When you're in a good mood (especially after you eat), you will coo to us, and we have fascinating conversations back and forth.

You love the outdoors, and when you're fussy your dad can instantly calm you down by taking you outside to look at the trees and listen to the birds. You also love the bird mobile hanging from your bouncy chair, bath time, and staring at ceiling fans. You do not love getting strapped into your car seat (although you always relax once the car starts moving) or waiting more than about 30 seconds to eat when you're hungry.

We moved you out of our room and into your crib at 8 weeks, and you've done great in your own room. You immediately starting sleeping for an initial stretch of 5-6 hours when we first put you down at night (between 7-8pm), and then after that you wake up to eat every 3 hours until about 9am. Both your dad and I are loving the increase in nighttime sleep!

Nicholas, you have brought so much joy to our lives. Everyday with you has become more and more fun, and I love seeing you grow and develop before my eyes-- just don't do it too fast! Part of me wishes you could stay like this forever, but I also can't wait to see what comes next.

I love you buddy.


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