Thursday, July 10, 2014

Baby #2: Weeks 37 - 38

38 weeks

Dates: June 17 - June 30, 2014

Highlights: We've been busy nesting and getting ready for baby girl's arrival. We finished up the nursery at the end of week 37, which was a great feeling. I'm just waiting on the mobile, which should arrive right around her due date. Pictures to come soon! I've also been enjoying lots of one on one time with Nicholas (pool, park, playdates, etc.), and we've made a point to go out to eat several times as a family, appreciating how easy it is right now with Nicholas to leave the house sans massive diaper bag-- that will change soon!-- and the fact that he now has the attention span to sit through a meal out without too much fussiness.

Symptoms: At the beginning of week 37, we had a little bit of excitement with several bouts of false labor, each lasting several hours. I didn't truly think I was in labor, but the symptoms (strong, general crampiness and some intestinal issues) were suspicious enough that I felt a call to the doctor was warranted. He wanted me to come in to get checked out, but confirmed it was just "uterine irritability" and prescribed lots of fluids to keep me hydrated. Since then, I've continued to experience periodic contractions, bouts of cramps, and other pre-labor symptoms, but nothing that develops into a regular pattern. However, I am starting to make some progress. At my 38 week appointment, I was 50% effaced and 1.5 cm dilated.

What's Different: With Nicholas, I didn't experience much in the way of false labor or pre-labor. I've had a lot more Braxton Hicks contractions throughout this pregnancy, and now a lot more pre-labor activity. At this point, I'm not sure whether I'll know when I'm actually in labor. I'm just trying to assure myself that if I'm questioning it, then I'm not actually in labor. Since I don't need to be induced this time around for medical reasons, the end of this pregnancy feels quite a bit different than the first time around. I still have a couple weeks to go, but am starting to get a glimpse into what the waiting game feels like.

What's the Same: Lots of fatigue, reduced appetite, some intestinal issues. Fun stuff!

What I Miss: My energy! I know sleep is going to get a lot worse before it gets better, but I also know that despite being a walking zombie, I'll have a lot more physical stamina than I do now.

What I'm Looking Forward To: I'm looking forward to wrapping up the final stretch! Her birthday is getting closer and closer... I can't wait to meet her!


  1. You look great! Will be anxiously waiting to hear that your little girl has arrived. Good luck!!

  2. You're getting so close! So excited for you guys!
