Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving Pilgrimage

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I know that there are a lot of Christmas lovers out there (and don't get me wrong... I love a beautifully decorated tree, the smell of fresh pine, and Christmas carols, among other things), but there is something so wonderfully low-key and homey about Thanksgiving. No worrying about your budget, no battling the crowds at the mall, no sky-high expectations, and (hopefully) no family drama. Just lots of good food, family time, and a great excuse to bundle up in front of the fire and watch hours upon hours of movies (or football... whatever floats your boat.) Plus, I love the history behind Thanksgiving and the spirit of thankfulness that our forefathers passed down to us through this holiday celebration.

This year, we'll be celebrating with Jason's sister's new in-laws in Boston. I've only met them twice (once at our wedding and once at Kristin's and Dan's wedding), but since both Kristin and Dan have small immediate families, they generously decided to open their home and invite all of the S clan out to Boston to celebrate in true historical fashion. I haven't been to Boston since I was 18, and since I'm little bit of a geek about history, I'm really excited to check out the sights. I think we might even visit Plymouth Plantation.
Most importantly, this year I'll be mindful of how thankful I am for my and Jason's health, and the health of our family members and friends; our marriage; the roof over our heads and the meals we're able to put on the table every day; the fact that I am lucky enough to be employed during this difficult time in our country's economy; and the fact that we successfully navigated a cross-country move this year and have managed to land on our feet despite all the uncertainty and stress of quitting jobs, taking out big student loans, and leaving our families and close friends behind. It's been quite a ride, but we both have so much to be grateful for, and it's something I look forward to celebrating on Thursday.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!

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