Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Snow Day!

We had bona fide snow today here in Austin, Texas. For three, maybe four, hours this morning, big fluffy flakes drifted down, just coating the ground. This, of course, created a "weather emergency," and as a result our office closed down at 1pm. No complaints here! Shockingly, I had no meetings booked for this afternoon, so I was able to come home and work from the couch for a couple hours while watching 7th Heaven reruns. (I don't know... I just happened to flip past the Hallmark channel and they were on... No judgement... ; )

I also whipped up a batch of chocolate chip cookies (what's a snow day without baked goods?!) and now I'm sipping a glass of pinot grigio with rosemary chicken and potato fennel gratin roasting in the oven. It's so amazing to be able to leisurely cook dinner on a weeknight, have it actually be ready by 7pm, and be able to clean as you go so that the kitchen is sparkling when you sit down to dinner. I love me a good snow day!

(And yes, two days ago I was lying out by the pool. Apparently this is par for the course in Texas.)

1 comment:

  1. I stumbled across your blog in search of someone else's, but as I got to reading, you're highly entertaining!

    Welcome to Texas! You'll get used to the fickle weather. Maybe.
