Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday, Monday...

Here we are on Monday, again. They seem to come quick, don't they? Today I'm OK with the fact that it's yet another Monday because I had a nice weekend-- quiet, but relaxing and fun, too. Friday night was low key. We made tacos and saw The King's Speech, which was fantastic (and Collin Firth will totally win the Academy Award.) And then I was in bed by 11. My kind of night.

Saturday, I got up and took a long walk around Town Lake with two girlfriends. It was still cold (and, yes, I realize Texas has turned me into a total weather whiner), but finally sunny! And it was so nice to just enjoy some fresh air and girl time. Then I came home and made lasagna from scratch... sauce and all. It wasn't very difficult, but definitely took some time-- probably over 3 hours in total. Since the sauce had to simmer for an hour and a half, I figured it was the perfect time to take a nap. So I did, and it was delightful. Then I got up, cleaned up, and we had some friends over for a big lasagna feast. I should have taken some pictures, but didn't. I realize my blog has been pictureless here for a few weeks, so I'll have to get on that...

Yesterday was another lazy day. We slept in, and then made our (sadly, nearly habitual) Sunday morning breakfast of waffles and bacon. J even snazzed it up with some fried apples that we used to top our waffles. Delicious, but not so figure friendly. That, combined with the aforementioned lasagna feast, necessitated some serious cardio at the gym. Usually I hate working out indoors at the gym on weekends, but since I didn't really have any other pressing duties (and it was still cold out), I actually kind of enjoyed it.

Later that afternoon, we headed to our Dave Ramsey class. We've been taking his class this winter, and are really enjoying it so far. A lot of the early classes are on the basics like saving and reducing debt, which are fairly common sense (although always a good reminder and he provides excellent motivation), but I'm really looking forward to some of the later classes on things like investing, insurance, retirement and college savings, etc. I feel like I've always been fairly on top of the basics of personal finance, but I know there are so many more things I could be doing, so we're enjoying the classes and also actually enjoying getting a little more hard core about our budgeting, saving, and working towards our financial goals.

Then, we wrapped up our evening with a little more lasagna (so much for that cardio) and some good books. I always kind of feel like January is a boring month that I just have to slog through, but it's kind of nice not having all the hustle bustle of the holidays or a lot of plans. And it's one of a few months where it's totally acceptable to spend an entire Saturday making and eating comfort food, so there's that too...

Have you tried any new recipes lately? Any favorite winter comfort food meals?

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for DR!! I love his no-bullshit approach to personal finances and personal responsibility.

    And now I am totally craving lasagna....
