Sunday, April 24, 2011

This & That

Well, hello there. Somehow three weeks have passed in the blink of an eye... and with no blog posts. Unfortunately, I don't have anything terribly exciting to share from my absence. What have I been up to? A little of this...

  • A work trip NYC. I attended a loooooong, 8-hour conference for one of my new clients, but it wasn't all work. I managed to enjoy a few good meals at Abe & Arthur's in the Meatpacking District and Cookshop in Chelsea (definitely the winner of the two), some free time spent wandering around Greenwich Village, a delicious Belgian pear cider and dark chocolate ganache cupcake pairing at Sweet Revenge. Really... cupcakes paired with adult beverages. Does it get much better?

  • Gaga, oh-la-la! Yes, we did. Buy tickets to and proceed to rock out at the Lady Gaga concert, that is. There are really no words. Or maybe there are just too many... amazing, perplexing, awe-inspiring, disturbing (at times), and always entertaining. And just sitting around in the arena waiting for the show to start? Definitely the best people watching of my life.

    (Our seats were kind of off to the side, so I had better luck with pictures of the big screen vs. the stage)

... and a little of that:

  • Acupuncture. I've had chronic knee pain for going on 10 years now, and there doesn't seem to be a cure. I've seen multiple doctors, had MRIs, and several rounds of physical therapy. The doctors all say there is nothing wrong with the structure of my knee, and the physical therapy kinda helps... for a while. Then I go through another 3-4 month phase of knee pain until it decides to go away again. My diagnosis is officially patella tendon syndrome and a tight IT band, which basically means I have tendinitis in my knee. The pain comes and goes, but when it's bad, it's hard to do much more than walk to and from the car or around the apartment. So I started acupuncture last week, and after just one treatment I could see an improvement. I don't think it will "cure" me, but I believe it can be a great tool for pain management and hopefully alleviate some of the inflammation that is causing the problem. I just went back for my second treatment this weekend, and am really loving it so far.

  • (Not) stressing about the future. No updates on the job/moving/major life changes front. Trying to remain peaceful and zen about it. Trying to also remain supporting and encouraging for my hard-working husband who is slogging through the build-up to finals, while interviewing regularly (and traveling regularly for said interviews.) Fingers crossed we have some positive news to report by the end of the month when we have to make a decision on whether we give notice on our apartment!

  • And, that's about it folks! I hope you're all out enjoying a beautiful Easter weekend!

    1 comment:

    1. Glad the accupuncture is working! I want to try it for my headaches, but I am so nervous/apprehensive about it!
