Monday, May 2, 2011

Lazy Weekend

We (or, more appropriately, I) had a really lazy weekend. (My husband, on the other hand, probably spent at least 25 hours studying.) A month or two ago I bought a one-time house cleaning coupon from Morgan's Deals (a Groupon knock-off), and with our upcoming onslaught of house guests for J's graduation, I figured now was a great time to get my house spic and span. And it was sooooo nice. Back in my free-wheelin' single days, I used to have a house cleaner come twice a month. To clean my apartment. My studio apartment. As if 350 square feet was even enough space to make a mess. I hear some single girls enjoy massive collections of designer shoes. My drug of choice was apparently obsessive compulsive disorder.

But I digress... after we got married, got on a budget, and, oh yeah, my husband got laid off, I became our house cleaner of choice. And as we plan to stick to our Dave Ramsey budget and baby steps, I will continue to be our house cleaner of choice (with help from J of course... the man cleans a mean shower). But, for one weekend, it was such a treat to have it done for me. The windows, counters, and floors are all sparkling. And the best part was that while they were cleaning, I managed to tackle some other projects around the house to the tune of a refrigerator deep clean, pantry and linen closet organization, and seven, yes S-E-V-E-N, loads of laundry. Ahhhhhh, nothing soothes quite like a cleaning binge. (Satisfied smile.)

And now-- having started a post about a pleasant, relaxing weekend and then written a novel about house cleaning-- I realize I need to get some hobbies. But, never fear, the cleaning binge on Saturday morning allowed me to enjoy a nap on Saturday afternoon, followed by drinks out with friends on Saturday evening. And then on Sunday, my day consisted of church, a good circuit training workout, an hour by the pool with a novel, and dinner at our friends' Tylor and Erin's house.

Sadly, finals week prevented J from partaking in most of these activities. But-- I almost forgot the highlight of the weekend!-- on Friday night we enjoyed a special date night out at Jasper's, courtesy of a gift card J received from his sister for his birthday back in January. We wanted to save it for a special occasion and figured that it would be perfect for a "days-away-from-completing-grad-school" celebratory dinner before his parents arrive next weekend. And it was sooooo nice treating ourselves to a fancy dinner out for the first time in months (fancy restaurant dinners being another luxury we've given up in the past few years.) I have to say... when it's a special treat, we really enjoy it all the more. I loved every bite of my field greens and filet mignon (and bites of his prime rib), the wine complemented the food perfectly, and the molten chocolate cake with tres leches sauce was a delicious as it sounds. All in all, a perfect night, and hopefully a prelude to more fun celebrations as graduation nears.

What was the highlight of your weekend?

1 comment:

  1. When we have a regular income again, a cleaning service is totally on my list. Not for the basic stuff, but just for someone to come in and do blinds and baseboards and all those tasks that i always seem to overlook until they are completely out of hand!

    And now that you've mentioned that molten chocolate cake I am totally going to need a chocolate fix... :)
