Thursday, May 5, 2011

Momentous Week

It's been a big week over at our house.

On Monday, I took my final blood test and then, on Tuesday, I received the fantastic news that my molar pregnancy is officially over. Dunzo. Kaput. It's been a long six months since my miscarriage, diagnosis, and surgery. Nearly two months of weekly blood draws, followed by four months of monthly draws. Many weeks spent feeling sad, angry, and a little bit (OK, at times, a lot) sorry for myself. Many more weeks spent trying to recondition myself for optimism and hope, while making sure to fit in at least 45 minutes of cardio 4 times a week, because my doctor said it would be the most effective medicine in battling my blues. Lots of life lessons learned-- most especially that I need to figure out how to be happy, or at least content, with the here and now because there are no guarantees for the future.

And now here we are a full six months later. I am (mostly) content with the present, and I'm cautiously optimistic about the future. I am blessed with a loving husband, family and friends who have been so supportive throughout this ordeal, and, as of Tuesday, a clean bill of health. As my doc said, we're closing this chapter of my life and hopefully never revisiting it.

Jason has also completed a huge chapter in his life-- last night he submitted his last assignment for business school, and just an hour ago he left his last class. Ever. It's kind of amazing to realize that we have finally reached the culmination of two years of blood, sweat, and tears (quite literally.) It's been a long road, but now here we are just two weeks away from his graduation. Don't get me wrong-- it hasn't been all bad. In fact, overall it's been a great experience. Jason has loved the intellectual stimulation and really enjoyed being back in an academic environment. He now has a clear vision and well defined path for the career he plans to pursue. We've also met some great friends and made a lot of fun memories along the way. And just being a part of the University of Texas community has been amazing. We are now both Longhorns fans for life. (Hook 'em!) I couldn't be more proud of the hard work he's invested in his education, and I am so excited to see where the future leads us.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you're going forward with a clean bill of health KK!

    congrats to you and Jason! Hope to see you guys soon!
