Friday, October 11, 2013

Five on Friday

Another week, another installment of Five on Friday. Here's what's new with me:

1.) Homeland: What would a Five on Friday post be without an update on my latest TV watching habits? Breaking Bad ended (by the way, one of the best series finales ever, am I right?? I love that they tied everything up so nicely), but fortunately a new season of Homeland started the same night. We're a few episodes in and . . . eh. Anyone else feeling that way? I'm really hoping it starts picking up a little bit.

2.) Fun Dinner Plans: Tonight we're having some friends over for a little dinner party. It's been a while since I've exercised my hostessing skills, so I'm looking forward to it! And these days, it's just a lot easier to socialize with friends at home on Nicholas' turf, rather than trying to drag him out to a restaurant somewhere. (We enjoy actually being able to eat our food, and prefer that our toddler doesn't run around threatening servers with stray knives. True story.) We're keeping it simple with a cheese plate to start, followed by a green salad and penne alla vodka (and some vino of course), but it should be tasty.

3.) Pumpkin Time: It just recently dipped below 90 here in Austin, so I've been slow to get on the pumpkin-bedecked everything bandwagon. But, it's officially mid-October, it was cool enough to wear my boots a couple mornings this week, and Halloween will be here before we know it. To get in the holiday spirit, we're packing a picnic and heading out to the pumpkin patch tomorrow. I'm looking forward to a fun family day.

4.) Baby Will: I get to meet one of my besties' brand new baby boy on Sunday. I'm packing them a meal and heading down to San Antonio for the day to get my fill of baby snuggles and that delicious newborn smell.

5.) Awesome Living Social Steal: Please enjoy these awkward bathroom selfies...

Not the best picture of me, but I am loving this new necklace. I've received several compliments on it already, and people have been asking if it's one of J. Crew's gorgeous but egregiously overpriced baubles. Nope. Got it with a Living Social deal to this site for . . . drum roll . . . $12. I don't think this particular style is available anymore, but they have lots of other reasonably priced, cute necklaces. I love a good bargain buy!

Happy weekend!


  1. LOVE that necklace!! And you must tell - is that pumpkin patch in ATX? If so, I'm driving there asap.

    Lastly, Homeland is next on our list .... we just got addicted to Breaking Bad and may or may not have watched FOUR seasons in two weeks. That is not okay. :/

    Happy weekend!

  2. Love love that necklace! I may have to start on homeland when I'm home on Maternity leave!
