Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Baby #2: Weeks 6 - 8

Here we go with the baby updates! I definitely want to document this pregnancy, although the demands of juggling a full time job along with a toddler this time around may mean that they are a little less frequent than they were with my first pregnancy. But we are just as excited and thrilled about this pregnancy and looking forward to every exciting milestone along the way!

7 weeks - Look at that belly already!

Dates: November 12 - December 2, 2013

The beginning: After suspecting for a few days that I might be pregnant, I got my confirmation in the form of two little pink lines on Halloween morning. Of course I ran into the bedroom to tell Jason immediately. No elaborate surprises or reveals here. We were thrilled. We didn't tell anyone else and waited through a couple nerve wracking weeks for my fist doctor's appointment to confirm the pregnancy.

Highlights: Finally, November 18th rolled around and I had my first doctor's visit at 6 weeks where I saw baby's strong heartbeat during the ultrasound. It was such a relief to know that he or she is growing and healthy. Weeks 6 - 8 also included a 9-day business trip to Asia for Jason, which, although not exactly a highlight for me, was definitely notable! All the single parents out there, or anyone who solo parents for long periods of time due to a deployment or for some other reason, deserve a medal. When Jason got home, we Facetimed with my parents to tell them the exciting news. (Nicholas wore his big brother shirt.) Then, Jason's parents arrived in town for Thanksgiving and we shared the news with them. We enjoyed a long, relaxing holiday weekend and, although my nausea had set it, I was able to enjoy most of the holiday food. For some reason the roasted Brussels sprouts with bacon did not sit well, but the mashed potatoes and stuffing hit the spot.

Symptoms: Extreme fatigue, nausea, other tummy troubles, food cravings (anything salty or savory, seafood), lots of food aversions (red meat, anything with a strong smell like garlic or cooked onions), sensitivity to smells of all kinds... pretty much the usual.

What's Different: With a toddler to chase around (along with a full time job and my other household responsibilities), this pregnancy is already off to a much different start than my last. Gone are the days where I can come home from work and just collapse on to the couch for the evening or nap at will during the weekend. As a result, the fatigue has been worse this time around. Also different? My belly, which seemed to appear just days after we got that positive pregnancy test. I'm still squeezing myself into my regular clothes, but I'm sure I'll be breaking out the maternity pants before the end of the first trimester. And, I've found that while my nausea is about the same level of intensity as my last pregnancy (mild to moderate), it seems to strike later in the day, and particularly in the evenings after dinner. Finally, my cravings with Nicholas were all for sweets-- fruit and desserts galore. This time around I can take or leave the dessert (so unlike me!), but I can't get enough of the salty stuff.

8 weeks

What's The Same: Just like my pregnancy with Nicholas, I felt my first pangs of queasiness at 6 weeks 2 days. I get nauseated when I get hungry, or when I get a whiff of any type of strong smelling food. Having an office that opens right into my company's common area-- right in front of the microwave-- has been challenging to say the least. People pack some weird things for lunch... I'm also experiencing the same general indigestion and other tummy troubles I faced last time around.

What I Miss: At this stage last time, I was missing the occasional glass of wine. This time, I hardly even notice its absence. I am, however, missing my energy. But, if this pregnancy progresses like the last one, I know I'm not going to see too much improvement in that department until late next summer.

Looking Forward To: I'm looking forward reaching the end of the first trimester and to sharing the news with family and friends.

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