Monday, January 20, 2014

Baby #2: Weeks 9 - 11

I'm playing catch up with my pregnancy updates from the first trimester. I'm 15 weeks today and hope to be caught up by the end of the week, so bear with me!

9 weeks 

Dates: December 3 - December 23, 2013

Highlights: December was full of lots of fun Christmas activities at home in Austin, as well as our trip home to Portland. Catching up with my family after many months apart is always a highlight. I was also relieved to have a successful second OB appointment during my tenth week. Baby is growing right on track and we were able to hear a strong heartbeat on the Doppler despite being so early in the pregnancy. 

Symptoms: Fatigue and nausea are still going strong. I continue to feel ill more in the afternoons and evenings, and my sense of smell is out of control. Strong smells are contributing quite a bit to my nausea. In general, not much sounds good to eat and the act of trying to meal plan or grocery shop is almost painful.

10 weeks

What's Different: At 10 weeks with Nicholas, I started to feel noticeably better. And at 12 weeks, my queasiness was entirely gone. This time around, I'm noticing a little improvement around 10 weeks, but it's still far from gone. Feeling ill after eating dinner is also new to me. Sometimes I have to go lie down on the couch after eating for a little while before tackling the dishes or Nicholas' bedtime. This time around, I'm also trying to maintain a regular workout routine. Exercise fell by the wayside during my first pregnancy, and although my weight gain stayed within a healthy range, I think it made it harder for me to get back in shape after Nicholas was born. This time, I'm sticking with my twice weekly boot camp workouts. I'd like to add an extra day a week of exercise per week at some point, but right now there are plenty of days when just getting through my two boot camp classes per week is rough. Baby steps.

What's the Same: The fatigue is pretty similar (and intense) and I'm experiencing the same general indigestion and tummy troubles that I experienced with Nicholas. No need for details, but let's just say I am trying to be very diligent about my water and fiber intake. I've also started to feel the same pain in my right hip that I had during the latter half of my pregnancy with Nicholas. It's rearing its head a lot earlier this time, so I've stopped running (which seems to aggravate it) and am trying to make sure I allow plenty of time for stretching after I work out. 

11 weeks 

What I Miss: Honestly, I don't miss too much. I know the discomforts of the first trimester are temporary.

What I'm Looking Forward To: I'm really looking forward to sharing our news more widely once we're through the first trimester. My bump is getting more difficult to conceal at work-- there are only so many ways I can wear a blouse-y shirt and a voluminous scarf. It will be a relief go public and stop sucking in my stomach all the time!

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