Friday, July 29, 2011

The other thing we've been up to...

In addition to house hunting, the move, my busy work schedule, travel, and family events, my posts have been a little spotty because I have been worn out and not feeling great. But all for a good reason...

I am 14 weeks pregnant today, and we couldn't be more excited! We found out the morning before Jason's business school graduation, and it was honestly a big surprise-- albeit a fantastic one. I've had several ultrasounds already to make sure our bean is healthy and growing just as he or she should, and so far everything looks great. My due date is January 27th-- just 4 days shy of J's 35th birthday. As for how I'm feeling, my nausea is gone and the fatigue seems to be easing up. Today is officially the start of my second trimester, so I'm looking forward to hopefully feeling a lot more energetic in the coming weeks.

I've been writing weekly updates to help keep a memory of my experience with this pregnancy, so we'll call this "baby week" and I'll post all of my weekly updates up to this point over the next few days. After that, I'll post them once a week.

It's taken a little while for all of this to sink in, but it's becoming more and more real by the day. It looks like it's time to start thinking about how we transform our extra bedroom in order to get ready for our new addition next winter!


  1. omg! congratulations! i'm so happy for you guys :)

    also...loooove your cute house!! are you renting? what part of town?

    i'd love to catch up over some kind of pregnancy-friendly drink? herbal tea, perhaps? ICE COLD water or juice to combat these 105 degree temps???

  2. CONGRATS, Kiersten! What wonderful news! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  3. Yay!!!!! Oh my gosh, congratulations!! I am so excited for you!! I am due the week after you :)

  4. YAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!! Congratulations!! What exciting news!! Gosh, a big graduation, new job, new house and now this fantastic news! So happy for you!!

  5. Yay Yay Yay! I'm so excited for you! Try to sleep as much as you possibly can in the next 26 weeks... seriously!
