Saturday, July 30, 2011

Week 7

June 10, 2011

Best Moment: The best moment this week was just making it to a full 7 weeks. Reaching this milestone helped provide a little reassurance.

Symptoms: In addition to the exhaustion, the nausea hit with full force this week. I'm not physically getting sick, but I'm also constantly queasy and very little sounds good to eat. The catch-22 is that the nausea gets worse if I get hungry, so I'm constantly trying to find things to snack on that don't make me want to hurl. At this point, it's safe to say I should have bought stock in Saltine crackers. I'm also starting to notice the effects of a pea-sized bladder. I've always had a small bladder (I like to think I'm just well hydrated) and I've always been a light sleeper, but the two are worse with pregnancy and I find myself waking up for multiple bathroom trips each night.

Cravings/Aversions: Fruit still sounds delicious. Other things sound good one minute, and absolutely disgusting the next. In general, meat sounds kind of gross, but cheesy, gooey comfort foods like pizza and enchiladas sound tasty.

What I Miss: The wine I mentioned last week? Yeah, that couldn't sound less appealing at this point. I miss my appetite and my ability to not smell and become violently disgusted by any food product within a 500 yard radius, but, again, it's a small price to pay. I am just so grateful for this miracle growing inside of me.

What I Can't Wait For: Honestly? Taking several naps this weekend. And not having to sit upright at my desk for two days. TGIF.

Jelly bean is the size of a blueberry and has begun to develop hands and feet this week.

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