Sunday, July 31, 2011

Week 8

June 17, 2011

Best Moment: We got to see Jelly Bean again this week in an ultra sound. This week s/he was a little more visible as a blob instead of a tiny spec, and the heartbeat continued to look great. It's still so amazing to me that there is a person in there!

Symptoms: Still tired and nauseaus. But I still haven't actually gotten sick. Towards the end of this week, I've started to feel like maybe my nausea is getting a little better-- or maybe I'm just getting better at managing it. I have packets of Saltine crackers stashed everywhere, and I've gotten better at eating smaller meals more often, to avoid getting hungry. My doctor says the nausea usually peaks in week 9, so here's hoping that the light at the end of the tunnel gets brighter after next week.

Cravings/Aversions: Food. Meh. Not much sounds good. There isn't really anything that completely grosses me out, but there's also not much that appeals. I tend to go for bland things like the aforementioned Saltines, granola bars, anything potato, cereal, waffles, etc. I'm also still enjoying all of the great summer fruit.

What I Miss: My energy and my appetite. But I'm so grateful that my nausea seems to be mild to moderate. I know it could be much worse. And I also know all of this discomfort is temporary and so worth the end result.

What I Can't Wait For: I'm looking forward to the promised land that is the second trimester. Hopefully my energy will come back and I can start working out and just enjoying daily activities more.

Milestones: Jelly Bean is the size of a kidney bean, and is already constantly moving and shifting, but I won't be able to feel him or her for weeks to come.

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