Thursday, January 14, 2010

Random Thursday

With the departure of one of my colleagues last week, I've taken on not one, but two new accounts. AAAaaayyyy-eeeee-ieieieie! That's me yelling, doing a crazy dance, and pulling out my hair. But let's look on the bright side, shall we? Say it with me people, "JOB SECURITY." Job security, job security, job security. A very good thing in a one-income household. I just keep reminding myself of that. I'm a little crazed, so in lieu of a real post, I give you a string of random, completely unrelated thoughts:

- I've been fighting off a cold since Sunday. I have managed to not "officially" get sick, but I haven't managed to kick the headache, sore throat, and fatigue that has been hanging around. I'm not sure if it's better to avoid a full-on cold, but kind of feel crappy all week despite it, or to actually get sick for a few days and then get better. The jury is still out.

- I only buy lunch once a week (for both budget and health reasons), and I always look forward to the day that I don't have to make my lunch: a.) because it's annoying; and b.) because I get to get out of the office and have a quick change of scenery. However, on the day that I actually do get to go out and buy my lunch (ahem, today), I can never figure out what I want! Do I go with soup and a half sandwich from Whole Foods? Or maybe a burrito bowl from Chipotle? Or a fancy deli sandwich from the cute bakery down the street? I have no idea. And it's lunch time right now.

- I haven't done anything after work this entire week except eat dinner and watch TV. And I'm totally, 100% fine with it. Ditching the to-do list once in a while is kinda nice.

- I didn't move to Texas for 29 degree temps. Thankfully, the weather is cooperating once again. It's not sunny, but I'll take 60 degrees any day.

- Um, going to a school /rooting for a school that is uber dominant in sports is fun. The UT men's basketball team is now ranked #1 in the country. J and I are going to the UT vs. Texas A&M game on Saturday night. I've always enjoyed March Madness, but my new found interest in sports may now also encompass regular season college basketball games. Who knew?

- MBA internship recruiting season is picking up steam... J had an interview yesterday for a position in Dallas, and was in San Francisco last week meeting with a bunch of companies there. Business school is kinda like law school, where you get a paid internship in the summer and, if you're lucky, that translates into a job offer at the end of the summer. Obviously, you can get an internship and then get a totally different job afterward, but the whole internship recruiting process will give us the first glimpse of a.) what the economy is really like right now for newly minted MBAs; and b.) where the heck we might wind up after this whole crazy adventure. The whole "where are we going to be moving in a year and a half" question gets me all worked up and more than a little panicky any time I start really thinking about it (because I have some definite preferences), but I just keep reminding myself of my New Year's resolution to take it one day at a time. So here I am, practicing some calming yoga breathing, and telling myself I won't worry about it... just yet, anyway...

And there you have it folks. Hope your week is trucking along smoothly! TGI... almost Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck to your hubby, and you, with all of the recruiting business!! It is so stressful to feel like you have no control over where you are going next!
