Thursday, March 24, 2011


...Unfortunately it's an attribute that I really struggle to cultivate. Being my type A/Virgo/gotta-make-plans/gotta-check-that-item-off-my-list self, it's been a struggle for most of my life to slow down, calm down, relax, and be patient. And, boy, life these days is really testing my ability to chill out. I've mentioned it a few times on the blog, but J has been interviewing up a storm for a new job after business school. With graduation officially two months away, we're starting to the feel the pressure a little bit. And it doesn't help that about 60% of his classmates already have jobs. Many of my girlfriends (mostly wives and girlfriends of other students) are already starting to plan their moves to new cities and look for housing. Meanwhile, our lease is up June 30th, and we have to give 60 days notice. Meaning... we need to know what's next as of April 30th. Yikes.

But, like I said, J has been blessed to receive numerous interviews, and while he hasn't found THE job yet, all signs point to the fact that he is a desirable candidate and it's just a matter of finding the right opportunity. He's got 3 interviews next week at a West Coast MBA recruiting forum, so I am trying to remain calm, yet optimistic-- not gnaw my fingernails in stress or obsessively stalk Craig's List for apartment listings in a city that we don't yet have a job offer in. Patience. Patience. I think the Big Guy Upstairs is trying to teach me something. Ultimately, I know it will all work out and everything will be fine, but keeping myself calm and centered during this season of our lives has been a challenge for sure. Ever so slowly, I think I might be getting a little better at it. Here's hoping this crash course in patience is nearing completion.

(Oh, and we wouldn't mind any thoughts/prayers/good vibes you can send J's way next Friday...)

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