Are these getting old? Or is it just me? I think I might be getting sick of being pregnant. (Although I am very grateful for the little life growing inside of me... and that he's healthy... and that I've had a relatively uncomplicated pregnancy. OK, so I think it might just be one of those days and I need to snap out of it.) Just 10 weeks to go, so I will press on!
Best Moment: The past week was a quiet one, but we did complete what Jason is calling the first semester of our baby MBA-- breastfeeding class, two more daycare visits (I think we've selected the winner), and our hospital tour. Still remaining in our "baby MBA" are infant CPR, visits with two different pediatricians, and our weekend-long labor, delivery, and childcare class. Seeing the maternity ward of our hospital was actually pretty cool. The rooms are super nice and they have all sorts of props and tools on-hand to help us labor up until any medication is desired. They have birthing balls, big jacuzzi tubs, and even wireless baby monitors so we can walk the halls without being tethered to the bed. I'm definitely open to medication, but hope to labor as long as possible au natural, so it's good to know they are set up to help enable this.
Symptoms: Full force third trimester fatigue. If there's one symptom that has defined this pregnancy for me, it's been fatigue. Serious, serious fatigue in first trimester... definitely better in the second (although no burst of energy like some people describe)... and now it's back in the third trimester. Considering the symptoms and complications many women endure during pregnancy, I know this is minor stuff. But, man. I miss my energy.
Cravings/Aversions: Still loving food, and lots of it!
What I Miss: Being able to stay up later than 9:45pm on a Friday!! I can't really remember what it's like to want to get out and be social.
What I Can't Wait For: Short term - a delicious Thanksgiving dinner later this week. Longer term - A glass of wine, and... wait for it... going for a run. Seriously. I may even be looking forward to a good run more than the glass of wine. In my current state of fatigue (and let's be honest... general crankiness), the idea of being able to just lace up my shoes, crank up my iPod, and enjoy a nice, brisk run sounds amazing. Something I never thought I'd say. But, seriously... that feeling of challenge and accomplishment, pushing past the discomfort into the "zone," actually being able to engage my core muscles (imagine that!), the mental clarity I can only find during this kind of exertion, and those post-run endorphins... yeah, that sounds good.
Milestones: I am 75% there! That is cause for celebration in my book. Less exciting is the fact that my weight now equals that of my husband, but it was bound to happen. My total weight gain is pushing 25 pounds so far, but with 10 weeks to go, including Thanksgiving and the full Christmas season, I'm prepared to see that number go up. Here's hoping I'm still waxing poetic about my desire for good run once baby actually arrives!