November 4, 2011
Best Moment: Wow. It's crazy to me that I have been pregnant for 28 weeks. Or 26 if you want to get technical. But still. That's half a year... a long time! The weeks just keep flying by. This past week was a quiet one. We enjoyed our fall outing and first Halloween giving out candy to trick-or-treaters (although our turn out was a little disappointing. Sadly, more candy for me...) We also finally put together the crib and made the decision to repurpose an old chest of drawers we already have as Bean's changing table and dresser. I started folding and organizing some of his (currently limited) wardrobe. It's so much fun to start seeing the nursery come together and envisioning him living in this room.
Symptoms: I'm still dealing with the sciatic pain in my right hip. I think it's here to stay unfortunately.
Cravings/Aversions: Nothing new here, although I have now reached the point where I am starving every 2 hours or so. It's becoming somewhat of a challenge to find enough portable, healthy, different snack foods that I can bring to work or out and about with me. A girl cannot live on bananas and Luna bars alone.
What I Miss: I'm starting to get tired again... I think this might be third trimester fatigue setting in. While I miss my energy and my ability to get around easily, I realize I only have another 12 weeks to embrace being lazy and taking naps at will, so I am trying to enjoy it while I can.
What I Can't Wait For: I'm looking forward to my upcoming 28 week appointment (although not so much the glucose test.) Due to slight anomaly in Bean's umbilical cord, I will be getting an ultrasound at all of my remaining appointments to make sure his growth is on track. The silver lining is that it's always fun to see him!
Milestones: Jelly Bean weighs about 2 and a half pounds and his eyesight is developing. He is blinking his eyes and may be able to see the light that filters in through my skin.
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