Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday Musings

Weekend Plans:

  • Sleep (at the office until 1am last night)

  • Workout (copious amounts of pizza during previously mentioned late night at the office)

  • Seattle Sounders Game (yay! a Seattle sports team that actually wins! also satisfying husband's soccer obsession)

  • Attend friend's surprise party (can't tell you who!)

  • Ride bike! (J was kind enough to go find and install new tires and gears on my bike... which had its wheels stolen in 2003 and hasn't been ridden in 6 years!)

  • Um, pack (not exciting and doesn't require much explanation)

Also, a random thought... why am I always so much hungrier in the morning after a big meal the night before? I know, I know... it has to do with my blood sugar, insulin production, digestion, blah, blah. But really? Couldn't the universe just throw me a bone and make me NOT incredibly hungry today? Does the universe really want my jeans to be tight? Sigh.

And, finally, I thought this was super cute: during our wedding planning process, J was inconsolably appalled by the mere presence of a wedding magazine within a 20 foot vicinity of him at any time. Like, the way I am appalled by... I don't know. I can't even think of a strong enough metaphor. There's a lengthy explanation for this, but, basically, it boils down to the fact that he strongly dislikes the materialism these magazines represent-- putting lots of emphasis on how cool or beautiful or flashy the party is, with little to no emphasis on the importance of the marriage itself. And I respect and understand this... but still, a bride-to-be's gotta enjoy a little Martha every now and then!

Anyway, long story short, I was cleaning out our magazines the other night and, seeing as we're approaching a year of marriage, I decided it was time to deposit all my wedding mags in the recycling bin. He saw the stack of magazine stashed in the bin later that night, and was shocked and adamant that I pull out at least a few to save so I could show our future daughter(s) what the wedding styles looked like when we got married! Precious. So he dug through the bin and pulled 3 out, and then I proceeded to carefully sanitized them with my Method all-purpose cleaner, and now they are safely stored in my closet for posterity.

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