Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day 6 without furniture...

The subtitle of this post is, "or why I did 2 and a half hours of cardio on Monday." Yes, two and a half hours. That's because I just had to see the season finale of The Bachelorette (I've already invested 8 weeks in this show, so clearly I'm not stopping now!), and the only place to do this was down in our apartment complex's gym where there is a TV (seeing as our TV is currently on a truck somewhere between Oklahoma City and Galveston). And, being that The Bachelorette falls on a Monday, and many people work out on Monday evenings, clearly I had to get down there a half hour early to stake my claim on the lone TV in the gym. So I managed to walk and bike for 2 and a half hours while I watched the show (with a few prolonged "stretching breaks"), while attempting to pretend that it wasn't actually me who had changed the channel to ABC and that I wasn't actually riveted to Jillian and the selection of her future husband-to-be (all the while cringing every time the three guys sharing the gym with me glanced up at the TV and witnessed my reality TV shame.) And then of course I had to do the same thing last night (but only for a little over an hour) to catch the After The Final Rose episode.

Let's just say I'm looking forward to my couch arriving.

That, and a bed to sleep in that does not involve a battery pump. And a table so I can stop eating on the floor or hovering over the sink. Oh, and dishes. And cookware. And clothes other than the 5 outfits I've been wearing since we left for our trip two weeks ago... You get the picture. We can't wait for that moving truck to arrive. We're told it should be tomorrow, so I'm crossing my fingers that the next time I update this blog it will be from the comfort of my cushioned couch!


  1. haha!

    i've done the cardio for hours at the gym to watch american idol... (don't judge)

    hope the truck gets here soon!!

  2. very nice! i wondered if you were going to "go there" and admit to the world your shameful addiction to the most dramatic television show ever. i just loved chris harrison's shout-out to wes's song at the end. it made the whole show worth watching.
