Thursday, September 29, 2011

Weeks 21-22

I'm almost a week behind, but trying to catch up. I'm 22 weeks and 3 days in this picture.

September 23, 2011

Best Moment: Weeks 21 and 22 were busy ones! (Hence my lack of posting, but I'm trying to get back on track.) On September 13th we celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary... and I got the best anniversary gift ever. No, not jewelry. Even better. That's right. Our air conditioning finally got fully replaced, and it has been working (knock on wood) ever since. Later that week I headed east to Portland, Maine for an old friend's wedding. The weather was chilly, but sunny and brisk, and such a nice change of pace from Austin (where it's still over 100.) The wedding was beautiful and it was great to catch up with a bunch of old friends from when I lived in San Francisco. Work and business travel kept me occupied for most of week 22, but we did have another ultrasound and we got the great news that everything looks great with our baby boy.

Symptoms: He is wiggling up a storm these days, and I love it. I don't love my ridiculous fatigue, but I think my travel schedule and hectic pace these days is probably a big part of the problem. I just need to get used to going to bed at 9pm every night.

Cravings/Aversions: Sugar. I know, it's terrible. I need to tone it down before my glucose test.

What I Miss: Not too much. Mostly just my energy... I thought I was supposed to be brimming with it during the second trimester, but I guess I can't complain about it too much since I've had it pretty easy in most other areas.

What I Can't Wait For: We picked out crib bedding and now it's time to start painting and really get moving on the nursery. I'm looking forward to seeing it come together.

Milestones: Jelly Bean reached a full pound during week 22 (verified at our most recent ultrasound.) It's nice to know that I can attribute at least 1 pound of my weight gain to him! (Kidding... sort of.) He's also just shy of a foot long. I've also wrapped up 5 full months of this pregnancy and now I am (amazingly) beginning my sixth month!


  1. Thanks for coming by my blog today and leaving a note! You look great! I hope I carry pregnancy as well as you do! :) I think I will be around your age when we start trying. Sorry if that was TMI!

  2. You look great! What crib bedding did you pick out and what kind of color theme are you thinking of for the nursery?

    I also had major sugar cravings, and was so worried for the glucose test! Everything went fine though, good luck!
