Best Moment: It continues to be pretty hectic 'round these parts. Lots of travel and demanding projects at work, coupled with a seemingly unending to-do list at home. But things feel like they're finally starting to come together at our new place. The month of no AC (where we basically lived like refugees) set us back a little, but I'm starting to feel much more settled. Over the past two weeks, we got our new sectional and media console delivered, got our washer and dryer swapped out (the original ones we purchased when we moved in had some issues), and, on the baby front, picked up our crib. (Putting it together will be another matter entirely.) We also visited our first daycare, and, despite my hesitations, really liked it. We'd like to tour a few more before making any commitments, but we're currently on the waiting list for the first one.
Symptoms: It continues to be fairly smooth sailing. I'm generally feeling good and seem to have a little bit more energy back. The bean is moving pretty regularly and I've started noticing consistent activity patterns. He likes to let me know when he's hungry (when I'm hungry), and then shortly after I've eaten he seems to get a second wind (must be the blood sugar kicking in). He's also fairly active in the evening when I am relaxing, and when I first wake up in the morning. I think I might be waking him up when I roll over to get up.
Cravings/Aversions: Nothing new here. I still love me some sugar. But I am trying to make sure I get lots of fruits, veggies, and healthy proteins too.
What I Miss: Not much right now! Enjoying it while I can.
What I Can't Wait For: My parents are coming for a visit in two weeks, which I am really excited about. We're frantically trying to finish up a bunch of projects around the house, as well as paint the baby's room, before they arrive. I'll post pictures one of these days!
Milestones: Does eating 3 cupcakes in one sitting count? OK, Jason had several bites of each, but he made me post this picture. As many things as I'm looking forward to enjoying again once this baby arrives, I will kind of miss the cupcakes...
KK, if you nurse the baby you can still have 3 cupcakes. Seriously, I'm 8lbs below my pre-preg weight!