Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Sixteen Months: A Letter

Dear Nicholas,

You are sixteen months old. The past month was a relaxed one, although we did enjoy a visit from Gammy and Grandpa in mid-May. During their visit, you showed off your growing vocabulary, made your first visit to the pool this year, and got your first haircut.

I use the term "hair cut" lightly. You were just growing a tiny bit of a baby mullet in the back and we trimmed you up. I was concerned that you would would wiggle and squirm too much, but Grandpa held your head and you did great as I made a few quick snips. We saved your baby fine blond hair in a little baggie to remember your first hair cut.

Since Gammy and Grandpa's visit in May, we have been back to the pool several times, and you just love it. You are a bona fide water baby, and I'm looking forward to getting you into swim lessons next summer. Until then, we will let you wade in the baby pool and roam around the splash pad at one of our neighborhood pools.

During your 16th month, you also got several new teeth. It's hard to get a good look in your mouth these days, but I think you have four new molars, and your lower incisors both appear to be coming in any day. All of this teething may have contributed to some increased clinginess this past month. You want to be held or carried all of the time, and you are experiencing some increased stranger anxiety. You've always handled daycare drop offs like a champ, but lately you don't want to see us leave. You will cling fiercely to us, and then cry inconsolably when we leave. (Although I always stay in the hallway after I leave and peek in the window of your classroom, and I can tell you calm down within a few minutes.)

We've also seen an increase in the dreaded tantrums. Tantrums are par for the course at this age, so we usually just ignore you for a few minutes and let you get all those emotions out of your system. Sometimes, you lie on the floor with your face on your hands, wailing, and then I catch you taking little peeks to see if we are watching you. This is pretty funny, but I try not to laugh. Afterward, you always want a cuddle, and then you are back to your cheerful self within a few minutes.

You are also beginning to show some empathy and more affection. Early in the month, Daddy and I both got sick with a nasty stomach virus. When you saw us lying down, you came over and gave us a snuggle or lied down with us quietly. You could sense that we didn't feel well. You also now like to give us hugs and lay your head on our shoulder when we're holding you.

You have finally become an excellent napper. You are on a good schedule at school, which fortunately carries over to the weekend. You will usually go down around 12:30 or 1pm and sleep for two hours (or sometimes longer.) We did end up pushing your bedtime back a little because you just weren't tired enough at 7pm. Now, you're going down for the night around 7:30pm and will sleep until anywhere from 6:45-7:30am.

You continue to pick up new words by the day, and it has been so much fun to interact with you as you become able to share more and more of your thoughts with us. Favorite new words include truck ("tuck, tuck, tuck" -- always said in multiples), apple, night-night ("ny-ny"), and rawr (the sound a lion makes.) You now also say "no" in response to us doing or asking certain things. You've mimicked our "no-nos" for a while, but now I can tell that you are actually sharing your opinion or desires with us. Sometimes your "no" is overruled (such as when you don't want me to wash your face), but it's good to know where you stand on things-- such as whether you want me to read you a particular book or if you want a certain stuffed animal in your bed. I love getting to know you.

Walking in our backyard to check out the "fowas."

At this age, I want to remember you excitedly pointing out the window in the car and saying, "Tuck, tuck, tuck! Oooo-oo-oooo-oo-ooooh!" I also want to remember you contentedly turning around in my lap to hug me and say "ny-ny" after you finish your sippy cup of milk before bed each night. Daddy and I regularly discuss how you are the best part of each of our days, and we marvel at how you manage to keep getting cuter, smarter, and funnier each month. 

Lots of love,

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