Friday, October 2, 2009

Ode to Central Market

I'm really beginning to enjoy this blogging thing, so I've decided that for the month of October, my only goal will be to post more frequently. Inspired by my favorite place to spend money in Austin, I give you:

Ode to Central Market
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways
You sell things like Organic Hatch Green Chili Corn Chips
Cheese that smells like dirty gym socks
But tastes delicious
And wild salmon from the Pacific-- never farmed
Because I care about things like that
You lure me in with your artful displays
Of heirloom tomatoes and ten kinds of potatoes
And, oh! The free samples
Yet you do not judge
When I throw Diet Coke
Or non-organic toilet paper
into my cart
Central Market, you complete me
You make grocery shopping fun
You even have those tiny two-tiered shopping carts
That maneuver so easily around corners
I am forever yours
(For my friends back home, Central Market is the perfect hybrid of Whole Foods and Metropolitan Market-- all the gourmet deliciousness, but less pretentious. Plus they actually carry some normal products [e.g., Diet Coke] and have sales that make the prices reasonable. If only they would expand to the west coast!)

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