Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Baby #2: Weeks 17 - 18

17 Weeks

Dates: January 28 - February 10, 2014 (Finally caught up!)

Highlights: We celebrated Jason's birthday on the 31st and then cheered on the Seahawks with fellow Seattlites as they won the Super Bowl on February 2nd.

Symptoms: Fortunately, I don't have much new to report here. The nausea is gone, and I am feeling a little bit more energetic although I don't think I'll ever be one of those women who has a burst of energy during the second trimester. I am exhausted each night, and usually hit the hay before 10pm. Sleep has been good lately-- I always wake up once to use the bathroom, but I've been falling right back to sleep and my big body pillow is keeping me comfy.

17 weeks with my little helper

What's Different: Again, not much new to report here. I am really trying to drink a ton of water, so the headaches are getting better.

What's the Same: I gained more weight in the first trimester during this pregnancy, but now that my nausea is gone and my appetite is normalizing (although growing rapidly), I seem to be gaining about a pound a week, which was exactly what I did with Nicholas.

18 weeks

What I Miss: I'm missing the ease of throwing together a turkey sandwich for lunch. Without going out to eat every day, it seems like lunch time options are limited. I'm trying not to eat frozen food more than a couple times a week, but there are only so many egg salad sandwiches a girl can eat.

What I'm Looking Forward To: We are looking forward to the big (almost) 20 week appointment next week. We have also selected a paint color for Nicholas' big boy room and I'm excited about getting his new room all set up.

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