Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Baby #2: Weeks 19 - 20

19 weeks - see me at 16 weeks with Nicholas at the same spot here.

Dates: February 11 - February 24, 2014

Highlights: We've made it halfway! Exciting stuff. With Nicholas, I remember feeling like the first half of the pregnancy crept by at a snail's pace and that the second half went really fast (a little too fast!) Given that this pregnancy already feels like it's moving a lot quicker than my first, I have no doubt the second half is going to fly by. Time to start getting some items checked off my list! The highlight of the past two weeks was our 20 week ultrasound, which we had a few days before I turned 20 weeks. We were so happy and relieved to learn that baby girl looks absolutely healthy in every way and that she is indeed still a girl! She is already a little chunk and I am measuring 5 days ahead right now, but they won't change my due date unless it becomes a week or more ahead of my July 14th due date.

Symptoms: I'm definitely in that second trimester sweet spot. I still tire easily and pass out most nights before 10pm, but I don't have too much to complain about otherwise. Food tastes great and my appetite is huge (and growing by the week.) I am working out three times a week and feeling good. I continue to get pain periodically in my right hip, but stretching and the heating pad help when it flares up. Jason gave me a prenatal massage for Valentine's Day, and I used it this past weekend. It was glorious.

With all of my loves

What's Different: With Nicholas, I felt like I gained most of my weight right in my belly. This time, in true girl pregnancy fashion, it seems to be spread out all over. Also, with Nicholas, I got a really dark line down the center of my belly. I can't remember when it appeared, but interestingly, I see no sign of it yet.

What's the Same: My appetite is huge! I'm not craving sugar in particular, but it's also rare that a day passes when I don't eat dessert. Like with Nicholas, the one thing that does not appeal at all (much to Jason's dismay) is any sort of barbecue.

20 weeks

What I Miss: Now that I'm feeling good and loving meal times, it's tough to pass up that glass of wine with dinner. But I know I'll be enjoying a nice glass of wine soon enough...

What I'm Looking Forward To: Jason finished painting Nicholas' new big boy room this past weekend. We plan to get him moved into the new room by mid-March, and then it's time to start working on baby girl's room!

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