Friday, February 14, 2014

Nicholas Turns Two!

Towards the end of January, our little guy turned two! This year, we opted not to do a big birthday party. Instead, I took a half day off work and we brought cupcakes to his class and had a little party for him there.

Several other kids in his class had recently had birthdays, so he was thrilled to take his turn as the birthday boy (complete with birthday crown!), hear everyone sing "Happy Birthday," and share cupcakes with his friends.

Afterward, we headed home for cards, presents, homemade pizza, and of course more cupcakes!

Too busy playing with his balloons to pose for a picture. (Excuse the mess in the background!)

Yummy! Another cupcake -- this time Oreo flavored. (We took a video of him blowing out the candle, but forgot to get a picture, too.)

That Saturday, we took Nicholas down to check out Austin's new children's museum, the Thinkery. There were lots of cool exhibits, including an entire room covered with holes and Lite Brite style colored pegs that lit up when you put them in the wall, lots of water features (a friend wisely recommended we bring a change of clothes), and a full scale farmers market with little shopping baskets and every type of fake fruit or vegetable available for "shopping."

There is also a huge park across the street, so we made time to feed the ducks and take a spin through the playground.

We capped off our excursion with a tasty lunch at Austin's new In'N'Out. Yum. Way to turn two, buddy!

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