Monday, August 3, 2009

August goals

So here we are in the eight month of the year... the eighth! Is that crazy or what?! It's true what they say about time seeming to speed up each year. Well, now that I find myself semi-settled into my new apartment here in Austin and living a life of leisure (that's a glamorous way of saying that I'm unemployed and the hubster is now in school full-time, so I have some time on my hands...) I decided that I should create some goals for myself this month. Curiously, unemployment doesn't seem to have any effect on my type A-ness. Anyhoo, my goals for August are as follows:
  • Get a job by September 1st... could be full-time, awesome position in my desired field or part-time gig to get me out of the house while I continue to look for a professional job.
  • Work out 5 times a week. Yes, that may sound kind of excessive, but, again... no job + no friends = no excuse not to look smashing in a two-piece.
  • Read 2 novels. Just because I've been on the wagon TV-wise for the past 3 weeks, and the cable guy just finished hooking us up so that I no longer have to resort to extreme cardio workouts in the gym in order to catch my favorite shows, does not mean I should let my brain go to mush.
  • Try 3 new recipes. I'm a creature of habit and tend to rely on the same oldies but goodies.
  • Get every room in our apartment fully unpacked, organized, and set up. This includes pictures on the walls. You would think this would be a cinch with 27 days left in the month, but you'd be surprised how lazy I can get when I'm down to just 2-3 boxes.
And I think that's about it! Starting off easy this month, and then maybe I'll ramp it up for September. ; )

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