Best Moment: It was a quiet week-- no doctor's appointments or other big milestones. The highlight of the week was dinner with our friends Anne and Gregg last weekend down in San Antonio at Bin 555. I felt good enough to eat-- and enjoyed it! We had a variety of tapas, including grilled asparagus, delicious herb and sea salt fries, prosciutto wrapped dates, and goat cheese empanadas to name a few. I think I might really get into pregnant lady eating! We also celebrated Jason's (sort of) first Father's Day on Sunday.
Symptoms: Still nauseous. Still tired. Other intestinal difficulties that shall remain nameless. The usual at this point. Oh, and my pants are starting to get a wee bit snug around the waist.
Cravings/Aversions: Anything I cook is totally unappealing (if I can even get past the smell and cook it in the first place.) If someone else cooks it, it's tolerable. J has been a good sport about picking up the slack and cooking most meals for us these days. And somewhere along the line, salad became completely disgusting. The thought of salad is almost unbearable. I hope the copious amounts of fruit I'm consuming can carry the weight for the veggies I'm definitely not consuming. But chocolate chip cookies? I've got those covered.
What I Miss: Not much, really. I feel like I'm getting the hang of this pregnancy thing. Although I will be happy when I start feeling a little better.
What I Can't Wait For: I feel like I'm in a good groove this week. There are a lot of things I'm looking forward to in the longer term pregnancy-wise, but I'm not dying to get there immediately. In terms of other areas of my life, I am really, really looking forward to finding a house. Hopefully that happens soon!
Milestones: Jelly bean graduated from an embryo to a fetus this week. I've got a real baby in there!
Quote of the Week: I just had to add this. Said by my husband, totally out of the blue:
"You know what I'm most looking forward to having a kid for?"
dramatic pause
Dead serious. He is looking forward to having a child so that he can play with a pinata at some point. At least he is entertaining!
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